Schrödinger’s Pipit

The patch is very colourful at the moment, with swathes of Rosebay Willow Herb and Ragwort.... .... an echo of the springtime Yellow and Purple colour-sheme, here, of Creeping Buttercups and Northern Marsh Orchids A Tree Pipit, flying over this morning, got me musing on quantum physics. As poor old Schrödinger’s cat found out…quantum mechanics tells us that Measurement determines reality . Until last year the highest number migrant Tree Pipit, at sites in Lancashire, was in the tens. Peter Alker, who rings birds at the nearby Billing Hill made a special effort to record and ring Tree Pipits – playing back calls to entice birds down. He noted 133 and 'blew the previous record out of the water' There are far more Tree Pipits flying over than get recorded. I've, personally, seen the same thing. During my Cheshire Garden days I regularly sat out in the garden to document the overhead migration of Meadow Pipits. As my 's...