Bouncing Redwings

The first inklings of dawn were etching the sky as I made my way to my vantage point. Redwings calls were all around – a chorus of ‘tseeep’. I was hoping for a repeat of Wednesday’s Thrush spectacular I had counted 2,580 Redwings passing over in an hour and a half after sunrise. It was exhilarating standing under the flight path of these migrating birds. Distant pepper specks, speeding towards me morphing into tight overhead flocks of Redwings, then careering into the distance becoming specks again. No sooner had one flock melted into the horizon that another appeared - chasing its tail. Migrating Thrushes I was only able to watch for an hour and half – almost certainly missing the early and later flocks – I think my count would doubled if I’d been able to watch for longer. Monday had also seen a mini-fall of thrushes on the patch which included 2 splendid male Ring ouzels. Thursday was clearly going to be different, the calls I was hearing we...