'Minimal Wildlife' - quiz

Clue A Woodland Bird Answer Jay (Garrulus glandarius) Images When doing my blog post on camouflage I was messing about with a couple of moth designs in photoshop. I found that I could simplify the design a lot and it would still suggest the moth. So I thought what's the minimum amount of information, that's needed to suggest a certain species? I've tried to use just geometric shapes. I've also tried to get as far away as possible from any kind of representation of the species and still have it be in some way recognisable. I also quite like these as wildlife art - I'm going to hang them on my wall! What do you think these are? They could be birds, mammals, insects, flowers or fungi Clue A common butterfly Answer Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) Images Clue A tree climbing mammal Answer Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) Images Clue A common small bird Answer Goldfinch (Carduelis ...