Things that look like stained glass windows

Alder Leaf - munched by larvae of the alder leaf beetle Last year I wrote a blog piece entitled " why do things look like other things ". Well things are continuing to look like other things!! I'm going to post a series of what I would call "picture essays" if I were very pretentious. As I'm only moderately pretentious I'm calling them "essays in pictures" (that might actually be more pretentious - ed). A stained glass window is undoubtedly one of those things that it's seen as good to resemble (unlike, say squashed chewing gum or a dog turd). It's a simile that denotes beauty - of a specific kind. The quality that appeals is the mosaic of translucent sections or panels. Every now and then I think to myself - 'that looks like a stained glass window' ....and I like it. Rippling water Wing of the Gold Spot Moth More rippling water Stained Glass window (Salisbury Cathedral)