Nature waits on us hand and foot.

I had a bit of a slump last week so I wasn't able to do my usual morning patch walk. Instead I sat in the garden for about an hour. This took me right back to what it is was like during my 10 year stint in a wheelchair. In a good way. It reminded me of an insight, seemingly obvious, but nonetheless striking. If you can't go out into the world, the world comes to you. As I sat and let the dawn chorus wash over me - song thrush, Blackbird, goldcrest, skylark, yellow hammer, birdsong drip dripped via ear drums, into my brain - delivered right to me... ...and sensed the golden touch of the first rays of the morning sun. It felt like nature was bringing me gifts - laying them at my feet. I was being waited on hand and foot. I would never claim that being unable to walk is even remotely a good thing - that would be patently absurd (not to mention insulting to many people). However there are consolations. Part of it is lowering your sights...or more like altering your sights,...