"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower"

From the inside birch, hazel, beech, cherry, hornbeam, sycamore Beech leaves. The outer and inner rings the are upper sides of leaves - a beautiful warm brown. The middle ring is the coffee coloured undersides Elder Birch leaves A trudge becomes a treasure hunt One of my favourite things is to be doing something - it happens most of when walking on the patch - feeling uninspired, maybe bored - then completely turning it around. ...a thoroughly dull and grey, uninspiring October morning with little of interest. Then I noticed something new - the wonderful way leaves were turning autumnal. The fantastic patterns and combinations of colours were unique to each. Suddenly this beauty was all around. I started looking for the best ones. A weary trudge had become a treasure hunt, I had a autumnal spring in my step. This isn't hidden beauty in the way maybe some inaccessible wonder deep in a cave is hidden - it was there all along. It's only hidden unti...