My A-Z of the Patch - part 1

Aborlith Abor (tree) + lith (as in megalith - stone) A tree like a standing stone such as this ash tree on the patch. In April when I stand by the lake the morning sun climbs up the side the trunk, then for a moment seems to be embraced in its lower boughs. Perhaps this is how standing stones were first sited by our ancestors - they noticed a certain tree / solar alignment which developed meaning for them and so made this more permanent with a stone in the same position. A couple of years ago I compiled an A-Z of the Patch using existing regional or specialised words and focussing on the patch ( Word Magic ). This is a follow up in which I've come up with an A-Z of my own coinages and this is part one - A to M. I think for anyone who pays close attention to single area - a patch watcher - it's fairly normal to invent their own names for certain corners of their plot that stand out. I have 'Stonechat Fence' and 'Wheatear Ridge'. The...